
press lounge

We welcome you to our new press area !

This area is especially for you as press members or a publisher of a disk based or online Amiga magazine.

There will be regular e-mails that inform press members about new products, updates, special offers and our strategies.

If you are interested in these things, but did not already register with us, then please have a look at the "new members" section below.


new members


If you want to be informed automatically about our products and you are not already registered with us, then just send a request to this special address:



review our products


We welcome you to review our software products.

There is a special area below that has all our press releases with text and pictures. There is also a special ftp area where you will find the complete packages of these press releases.

To have a closer look at our products, please download a demo version. These demos will give you a good change to test the product for your news and review section. If you are familiar with the product and want to do a full review or an extended workshop you can inquire for a full version.

You are free to include our free demo versions in software libraries, disk supplements, CD-ROMs etc. Please just drop us a note, so we can provide you with the latest ones.

BTW, we would be pleased if you notify us and/or send us an issue if your wrote something about our products.

If there are still questions, please contact Markus Nerding.
He will be pleased to help you.


press releases


01-98: Storm products are now ready for PowerPC programmingnew(26.Jan.98)
: ArtEffect 2.0, PowerPC-Effects
05-97: Merapi (Java for Amgia)
04-97: New Web Site
01-97: StormC 2.0, ArtEffect 1.5
10-96: Looking for Amiga Books

You will find the latest press packages at our
ftp server too. Please have a look!

Demo version can be found at the
download area. Please check this too!

© 1998 HAAGE & PARTNER Computer - http://www.haage-partner.com